Team 32/1954

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32/1954 Maserati A6GCS (Officine Alfieri Maserati) Italy

Did not started
Chassis Nr.
Class : 1501/2000
Tyres : ?
Gear Box : Maserati 4 speeds
Maximum Speed Race : ? Km/h Practice : ? Km/h
Drive : ?
Brakes F/R : ?
Clutch : ?
Weight : ? Kg
Shock absorvers : ?
Suspension : ?
Tank : ? Lt.
Chassis : ?
Bodywork : ?
Dimensions (LxWxH) : ?
Wheelbase (mm) : 0.000
Steering :
Wheels :
Headlights :
Preparator :
Fuel :
Remarks : Did not participate. He delayed the scrutineering due to mechanical problems in the truck that transported them and because the cars had not matricula they could not go of their own means, being retained in Nevers.
References for Search :
Color :
Sponsor/References :