Team 77/2004

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77/2004 Porsche 996 GT3 RSR (Choroq Racing Team) Japan

Result: 12th / 2nd of class, 322 Laps (4,384.260 Km) with the average speed of 182.678 Km/h
Chassis Nr. WPOZZZ99Z4S693079
Class : GT
Tyres : Yokohama
Gear Box : Porsche G96/91
Maximum Speed Race : ? Km/h Practice : ? Km/h
Drive : Rear wheel drive
Brakes F/R : ?
Clutch : ?
Weight : 1142 Kg
Shock absorvers : ?
Suspension : ?
Tank : ? Lt.
Chassis : ?
Bodywork : ?
Dimensions (LxWxH) : ?
Wheelbase (mm) : 0.000
Steering :
Wheels :
Headlights :
Preparator :
Fuel :
© Elji

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Remarks :
References for Search :
Color : White, Gray,
Sponsor/References : Advan